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Bus Stops named as Pubs in the Fach?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:25 pm
by brianblaenboy
Well now, this a good trip down memory lane:-

Tylors; Duke of York; Jubilee; Queens; Carpenter Arms; Rhondda; Bridgend;

Any more for any more????

Re: Bus Stops named as Pubs in the Fach?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:37 pm
by JohnPitt
Yes a lot of the stops were pubs of course - our local stop and pub was the Ferndale Hotel. But the conductors were a remarkable bunch with a cartel between a percentage of them passing information of where the inspectors were so they could put on a half price scam when they knew your journey would miss the inspector. You got half the money back, they pocketed the other half and no ticket issued - Loser Rhondda Transport it took years to stamp that out there was talk some inspectors were in on it.

One of the conductors would use London landmarks instead of the right name: Marble Arch, Piccadilly, Big Ben, Waterloo etc etc ah those were the days.

Re: Bus Stops named as Pubs in the Fach?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:17 pm
by Becca54
Butchers Arms, Tommy John's Wattstown
Eagle Hotel, Station Hotel,if you add Clubs. Baden Powell all Ynyshir