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Maerdy to Heads Of Valley Road

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:52 pm
by brianblaenboy
Whilst still going through a load of memorabilia, I've come across the whole copy of The Rhondda Leader for the last week of June 1969 and the first week of July 1969 (the latter remarks on the Investiture of the Prince of Wales).
However, there is a letter and a short note within a report by the Ferndale Ward Labour Party, that the need for a road from Maerdy to connect with the Heads of Valley road was needed in order to regenerate the Rhondda Fach as coal-mining was becoming almost extinct.

So 41 years later, would this road have made any difference?

The short answer is we'll never know, but I found it interesting that these thoughts were in existence back then.