'The Ferndale Colliery Disaster' a book covering the 1867 & 1869 disasters will be published January 2013. It tells of the tragedies themselves, but also the living conditions in Ferndale and Blaenllechau at this period. It is compiled through various newspaper reports of the time, the official inquest, and the story of the funds that were raised nationally for those left behind when their chief 'breadwinner' be it husband, brother, or son were one of the many victims. Ferndale, obviously had a terrible name at the time and after the second explosion many left for America, never to return, but strangly, the owners appear to have been well respected by their workmen.
For information for purchacing a copy of this paperback please contact the author, Gareth Harris, at the below address
garethharriscoal@yahoo.co.ukor telephone 01443 406942