My Great Grandparents Charles Henry Andrews and Mary Catherine Andrews lived in Ferndale (always remember my Nan referring to Ferndale as Pontygwaith) I know they lived at 11 Tanybryn terrace when my Nan was born in 1926. After that I believe they moved south during the war (possibly London?) Then I do know they lived on Craig Street until they died. They had 6 daughters and two sons. My Nan being Arianwen Andrews who married my Grandfather and lived most her life in Cumbria.
I have snippets of info that has been passed down through the years but none of it seems to fit into place?
I know that my Great Grandmother Mary Catherine was a 'Jones' prior to marriage and her family were somehow connected to the Baglan's who were apparently very prominent in the Rhondda Valley.. if anyone knew my family and could possibly shed any light on the Baglan theory and or like to share any stories then any thing, however remote would be most welcome.